Freeview Road – Parking Issue update 14.07.2018

I am pleased to confirm that following several years of hard lobbying of Councillor Tim Ball, Curo and the Council, we have managed to work together to get a major step forward in reducing some of the pressures of parking along Freeview Road.

Myself and Councillor Tim Ball met with a member of the Bath City Forum on 15th May 2018 to explain the proposed work the funding would be used for and show him the parking issues that were being experienced. He agreed that the requested works were suitable to allow funding to be permitted from CIL funds that the Forum manage, subject to a couple of clarifications from the Highways Team.

Next Tuesday, 17th July, a report will be submitted to the Bath City Forum to approve the funding of grass create to be put in to two areas of the street using money from CIL funding, this will enable cars to park on the grassed areas without sinking into the mud and creating an unsightly mess.

The details can be found on page 57 of the printed papers for the meeting, which are on the BANES Website here.

It has taken a very long time to reach this stage and I will of course keep you informed of the outcome of the meeting on Tuesday and would also like to thank the residents of Freeview Road for their patience whilst we fought to get this resolved.

Freeview Road – Parking Update 24.03.2018

In February I met with Curo and have finally established who is responsible for which areas of communal land in Freeview Road.

We had previously received costings for replacing areas of grass with parking spaces which ranged from £6,000 to £65,000, dependant on which areas were implemented.  These costs vary considerably due to services that are below the pavements/grassed area needing to be lowered or moved to ensure vehicles can park without putting pressure on the underground services eg Gas, drains, water etc.

This has meant that Councillor Tim Ball has now been able to obtain correct cost codes from BANES Council and submitted a bid for funding to expand current parking facilities to remove some of the grassed areas and replace this with parking.

We are awaiting to hear the outcome of the bid requests and will update you further when this is known.