Pennyquick Park – Litter Bin replacement 07.02.2019

Really great to confirm after speaking with BANES, the bin we were promised last year is finally being installed in Pennyquick Park.

Myself and other residents met with the Cabinet member responsible for parks last year and he agreed to replace a bin that had been taken away from the Shaw’s Way end of the park.  However, despite numerous requests nothing had been installed.

I chased this again and have finally had confirmation that a works order has now been put in and the bin will be installed near the gateway into the park very soon.

Linley Close – Litter Pick 13.01.2019

Twerton and Whiteway Wombles were out for the first litter pick of 2019 and were joined by a number of local residents to help clear up the area.  We collected 11 bags of rubbish from around the area.

The litter collected appeared to have largely come from recycling boxes as we noticed quite a few boxes which did not have lids. If you have a recycling box but it does not have a lid, you can get one from the Council.  This will help reduce the amount of waste that is blown around the streets in the area.

Whilst we were out we also reported the garden waste flytipping in the back lane for a 3rd time and asked that it is removed as soon as possible.  As well as asking that the water drain cover that is missing on the grass bank on Poolemead Road (opposite the Infant School) to be replaced, as there is currently a large hole that is very dangerous especially to the smaller children.

If you have similar issues in your area, please do get in touch.

Twerton War Memorial 11.11.2018

In November 2018 across the whole country people came together to remember the 100 anniversary of the end of World War 1.

Here in Twerton we were no different, I knitted an individual poppy for each Twerton man listed on the memorial located near St Michael’s Church in Twerton and attended a service to remember those that have given their lives to ensure we have our freedom.

Blagdon Park Update 06.01.2019

Following a meeting with Curo in October 2018, I am pleased to see the new signs we requested have now been put around the area.

These signs replace the old worn out property number signs, this will hopefully mean delivery drivers and emergency response teams will be able to find addresses easier.

Councillor Tim Ball and I are also working with Curo to see if we can find a better solution for the parking problems and I will keep you updated on how this is progressing.

Freeview Road – Parking Issue update 14.07.2018

I am pleased to confirm that following several years of hard lobbying of Councillor Tim Ball, Curo and the Council, we have managed to work together to get a major step forward in reducing some of the pressures of parking along Freeview Road.

Myself and Councillor Tim Ball met with a member of the Bath City Forum on 15th May 2018 to explain the proposed work the funding would be used for and show him the parking issues that were being experienced. He agreed that the requested works were suitable to allow funding to be permitted from CIL funds that the Forum manage, subject to a couple of clarifications from the Highways Team.

Next Tuesday, 17th July, a report will be submitted to the Bath City Forum to approve the funding of grass create to be put in to two areas of the street using money from CIL funding, this will enable cars to park on the grassed areas without sinking into the mud and creating an unsightly mess.

The details can be found on page 57 of the printed papers for the meeting, which are on the BANES Website here.

It has taken a very long time to reach this stage and I will of course keep you informed of the outcome of the meeting on Tuesday and would also like to thank the residents of Freeview Road for their patience whilst we fought to get this resolved.

Bath City Farm – Public Rights of Way 14.07.2018

Public Rights of Way exist across the whole country and are areas of land that are supposed to be open for all to use to get from one place to another.

These can sometimes go through farms and open spaces that are not owned publicly. However, they enable everyone to move around the area and therefore should be accessible.

Yesterday, it was mentioned that part of the public right of way access through Bath City Farm may have been cordoned off and I have therefore asked the Council to take a look at this, to ensure fair access is available where it is legally supposed to be.

Kelston View Litter Pick – 07.07.2018

Last Saturday several of us joined together to clear up the litter along Kelston View, we were amazed to have collected 4 large bags of litter in just this one street.

There are 3 litter bins along this street and these are often filled with household rubbish.

Whilst I regularly organise litter picks across Twerton, please can everyone do their bit to help keep our streets clean and avoid putting your household rubbish in or next to public bins so these can be used for small amounts of litter.

North Way – Update 21.06.2018

Following numerous emails, tweets and telephone conversations, I met with the Highways team concerning the state of North Way.  I am pleased to say that the 2 larger repairs have been completed today.

I will however, continue to push for the whole road to be restructured, as the concrete slabs below this tarmac are moving and the road condition is not acceptable.  This work would be similar to what was carried out on Kelston View earlier this year and needs to be put into a future budget.  I will be monitoring this closely to ensure it is added in as soon as it can be.